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When we realize that everything originates from within, we'll see that all the love, peace, and happiness in the universe is inside. We can have that. It's really so simple and easy when you learn about the unique splendor of your own energy.” Dr. Guy Coggins.


Welcome to Auracle! Oahu’s only mobile Aura Portrait Studio.

We acquired our camera from a dear friend on island who sadly is getting up in his years and isn’t able to carry on the work he loved so dearly. Ken is almost 87 years young, and we hope to share some aura photo case studies and share stories Ken has from his lifetime dedicated to Astrology and Aura Photography.

Delighted and honored to carry on the legacy of Ken who was Oahu’s only Aura Photographer for the past 25+ years. In honor of Ken, we have named our camera Lil’ Kenny.

What is an Aura? image

Humans, animals and plants, and even inanimate objects have an aura.

Everything is energy. Your aura is the powerful electromagnetic egg-shaped energy field that surrounds your body, completely unique to you and integral to life. It is like a vibrant and colorful glow projected outwards from your physical body.

The human aura is made up of seven layers, each with a distinct purpose and meaning. Your aura is given life via the chakra system. We refer to the chakra chart when interpreting your aura portrait together.

The practice of aura photography, or aura portraits, provides us with a tangible way to witness our vibrational energy and learn how to navigate where we are in the moment based on the colors that show up for us in the aura portrait.


What is Aura Photograph? image

Aura photography is a form of portrait photography that captures the subject's aura. An aura portrait is a snapshot of your energy, in the current moment. Aura portraits taken even 15 minutes apart can be very different.

During a ten second double exposure, the subject will place each hand upon two biofeedback hand sensors. These hand sensors will measure your electromagnetic field by monitoring acupressure points that correspond to energy channels in the body called Ayurvedic meridians.

An attached data box converts the energy readings into frequencies that correspond to certain colors. The first exposure of two seconds makes a regular polaroid portrait. Then, based on the biofeedback data from the hand sensors, returned to the camera, a second exposure of six to eight seconds superimposes a polychromatic color of your aura all around you.

What to expect? image

After your aura portrait photo is processed, we will reveal your auric colors and their meaning. This is a very special part of the aura portrait experience that gives you insight into what your aura reveals in the current moment.